Mentor Interview

Hey Everyone!  I gave my mentor some questions and she answered back in voice thread where so shows examples of resources as well! I have learned all about these resources and think they are just fabulous.  She has done some amazing work with teaching young children technology. Check it out the link below if interested!


DS 106, What’s This?

So before the end of the semester I wanted to check out some of the resources that I never had the chance to look at.  Being that the semester is almost over and we have to make a video of our learning I wanted to broaden and learn more.  I really enjoy DS 106, I was even showing it to my sister on the weekend. I like how many different tasks/projects there are based on categories.  I think students would love working on these projects.  I also love how they have a star system based on the level of difficulty.  This would encourage students to work hard and challenge themselves as well.  One thing that I would have personally liked to see is the project that you are interested in doing have sites, links or resources of where to go to create such projects.  Maybe it had for some but, from what I see you would have to find your own photoshop, music mashup and other resources.  However, overall I think this resource has a lot to offer and I can see this being a fun way to incorporate and teach technology in the classroom.  Start off by only having students complete a small number of stars and then work your way up. Could incorporate prizes as well, as I am big on positive motivation and rewards.

Blog, Blogers, Blogging

Over the this course I have gained much learning and respect from fellow classmates.  Many of you post not only about class but, about your lives, other classes and just fun facts!  I want to thank everyone for commenting on my blogs and helping me learn along side of you. I made a comment on Brittany’s blog about how much I truly love how knowledgable she is and how much effort she puts into her learning and blogging.  She also finds time to post about things outside of this class, many of which are inspiring and have helped me learn many new, exciting things.   

Thanks again Brittany and many others that I have truly enjoyed reading.  I may not have always commented but, still learned many valuable things!

Much Love!


Coding on Hopscotch.

Hey everyone so I decided to check out some more resources we have been given and being that I have an iPad I decided to check out coding on the app hopscotch. I found the app to be very easy to use and the more I continue to play around the more I learn. I had a hard time controlling the characters by tapping, shaking and tilting and still trying to snap shot the screen. So my picture does not show it’s justice. I thought I’d share a picture of the characters as it is kid friendly and an app that I would incorporate into my teachings. I think kids would have a great time selecting characters and giving them things to do. Kids could even make it into a game they actually play. I seen that as an example and it was very cool. I am going to continue to play around and search for other iPad apps as well. If anyone knows any others please let me know!


Tweets, Twitter and new Followers

Hey everyone so I am continuing to find great educators and teachers to follow and learn alongside. A few new teachers I decided to follow include:
@MissHartl as she teaches physical education, health and math. She is also a coach and as I am a lover of physical education and sports I feel I can learn a lot of great info and resources by following her! I also started following one of my sisters teachers in Midale, my home town. He has two accounts @j_cambell which is more so his personal account and then he has a professional account, MrCambellMCS where he informs his students of homework, cool ideas and much more. @nicolereeve is a middle years teacher in Estevan and has many great things she is doing with her students and shares on twitter. @lynhilt is a pre k teacher who is also trying to learn more about e-learning and is searching for online sources. Hoping to learn from her as well. @SloneW is into music and I thought I might be able to learn a few things about how to integrate technology into teaching music.
I have followed many more and am continue to research great educators. Will let you know when I find more!

Story Making

Happy Sunday Everyone!

Just wanted to touch base and make a small comment about the story making tasks.  I created a story for my internship students through Mixbook and it worked really well!  It is very time consuming but, it did not take long to receive the actual story as I got it made for the classroom.  I am now trying to find and create a story about the kids in a different way.  I feel like story making is something I would do with my students but,  I would want to find an easy website for this so it is not too time consuming.  Anyone else looking forward to using different types of digital story making in their classrooms?  If so, how do you plan to do so and what particular sites are going to use?  Thanks! Have a great day!

Long Time, No Talk

Hey everyone!

I have to first say I am sorry that the blogging as been put off a couple weeks as I have been applying for jobs, taking interviews and of course personal things come up as well.  Tonight I just want to reflect on the googling ones self.  I have had to do a google search on myself before.  The most recent things that you will find when you google my name is the types of media I have such as twitter, my blog, pinterest and so on.  It seems that I have signed up for several different media apps in the last year or two.  A lot of which have helped me get through university and internship.  The farther and more in depth of a search you go you will find old sports stories and sports stats from mainly my hockey team and volleyball team.  It is exciting to look up your name and have memories of things that have happened  in your life.  

Getting Busy Fast

Hey everyone!

This week I just want to take a minute and post about how crazy busy and overwhelmed I am already.  Coming back for the fourth and final semester I imagined it to be my favourite semester, things were going to be easy and the time was just going to fly by.  Well, its been three weeks in and I’m becoming more and more miserable and stressed.  This semester seems to be the most jammed packed with the most workload I’ve ever had.  It seems I can never catch a breath.  I understand this is much like teaching and is preparing me for the crazy busy life we will soon we living, however, I feel like that is something we are in control of.  We are able to create our lessons, how things are supposed to be in our classroom and I do find that planning and organizing to be fun and not as stressful.  I guess I was just so used to being a teacher and being in control and now we have all this world that I am not sure I am finding very relevant to our futures.  Is anyone else finding the semester to be not what you expected?  Are you learning valuable things through the big projects you are having to do?  I know I will get it all done!  I just wish things were different.  Please drop a comment and let me know how the rest of you are feeling!